A new project
Our newest Christmas project has arrived in the studio!
Who doesn’t love Elf on the Shelf
Elves started appearing a few years ago, and they only show up during December. They are known for getting into mischief in the middle of the night while all the children in the house sleep. So of course it’s only natural that we brought this amazing concept to the studio! We will be hosting a bunch of Elves directly sent from Santa himself over the next few years. I can not wait to see what trouble we can catch our little ones in!!
Master of Photography
Finally received my Master of Photography with the Professional Photographers of America.
Today I earned my Master of Photography degree with the Professional Photographers of America. In January I will walk the stage at their national conference, Imaging USA, in Kentucky to finalize and accept my ribbon. I can not wait to see where this will lead me next. Should I offer online training? Who would be interested in learning?
The Master of Photography (M.Photog.) degree is awarded to photographers for their superior photographic skills demonstrated by image excellence in portraits, illustrative, commercial, reportage, and albums, as well as advanced education, and service to the industry. To earn my degree I needed a combination of 13 Exhibition merits and 12 additional merits (Speaking, Exhibition, and/or Service). Exhibition Merits were earned by entering images in the Professional Photographers of America Image competition and scoring an 80 or higher. My additional 12 merits were speaking merits as I have taught and spoken at numerous locations around the US.
Below are the final 3 images that helped me accomplish my goal. I’m so proud of the work I’ve created and I’m honored with the trust that my clients have to allow me to create such fun images for them!

3 down, 3 to go
3 merits down, 3 more to go!
Yesterday I reached another step toward a big goal of mine, to acquire my Master of Photography degree with Professional Photographers of America. The Master of Photography (M.Photog.) degree is awarded to photographers for their superior photographic skills demonstrated by image excellence in portraits, illustrative, commercial, reportage, and albums, as well as advanced education, and service to the industry. I only need 3 more merits to achieve this and to have this title alongside my Photographic Craftsman degree. For an image to merit it must go up in front of a panel of judges and score above an 80. Just wanted to share with you that have been watching my journey. Now to finish getting the last 3 and walk the stage in January 2024!!
Halloween Favorites from this year!
Halloween has always been a favorite of mine for newborn portraiture. It allows me to really be creative and to think outside of the box. I try to always produce images that are even better than the year before, and believe me when I say … that’s getting really hard to do. However, I think I might have done it this year. I’ve been expanding into creating my own backdrops, and then sending them off to Intuition Backgrounds to print them for me and that has opened a whole other world! Here are a few of my favorites from this year … tell me what you think?? Now on to Christmas….
Constantly creative
Being a creative individual has to be one of the most challenging yet most rewarding type of person on the planet. Mix with a healthy dose of ADHD and a side of PTSD and you might have a glimpse of what lives inside of my mind. I MUST be challenged or I get bored. That is why you will hardly ever see 2 of my images look the same. The angle of your little one might be the same as another image I’ve created in the past, but the outfits, the backdrops, the look and feel will all be different. I use to believe it was a negative thing, but as I grow older and grow more into my own style of work I now know that it IS what makes me ME. It’s what helps me stand out.
So knowing that this is what fuels me, it’s easy to fall into a rut of sorts… where I feel dry and lacking in the creative side, and like always the internet comes to my rescue, and BOY did it come to my rescue this time. This past summer of 2022 was a dry, hot, and horribly not creative me time of this year for me. Until I found a few online programs that help fuel the need to be creative, and with that comes a whole new chapter to my studio, to my work and to you my future clients.
I have found the need to use AI to help create custom backgrounds and backdrops for the studio! The first back of images are being printed as I type this, and right in time for fall! I don’t want to share TOO much yet, as they are still a surprise, but I can show you some of the fun artwork I’ve created while playing in this new system. Unless you have an extremely ADHD creative mind like mine you will never know how this has jump started the fire within me to be creative again. Watch out … because this new fire is taking over the entire studio!! Look for some fun and amazing images within the next few weeks!